Project name
Natura Drniš – Sustainable development of Drniš natural heritage under ecological network Natura 2000
Implementation period
From February 1, 2017 to November 30, 2019
Project bearer
Town of Drniš
Project partner
JU Priroda ŠKŽ
Total project value
5.674.022,42 HRK
Eligible costs
5.606.793,54 HRK
EU co-financing amount
4.765.774,50 HRK
Project objectives
Development of new visitor infrastructure (hostel, cycling-hiking trail, public bicycles), and development of educational-interpretative content to raise the level of education of visitors and the local population on Drniš natural heritage.
Project activities
1. Development of visitor infrastructure (Construction of hiking-cycling trail Promina; Hostel construction; Addition of public bicycle systems)
2. Educational and interpretative activities (Natura Drniš App development; Publishing an interactive book; Bird monitoring; Performing educational programs)
3. Promotion and visibility (Creating a website for accommodation capacities; Creating a project website; Creating brochures, tables; Other promotional activities)
Contact person Josip Begonja, town mayor
Trg kralja Tomislava 1, 22320 Drniš, Croatia, EU
Telephone: +385 22 888 830
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.